Thursday, May 7, 2015

Ramune Pronounciation - Ramune Marble Soda

This is the way Ramune is written in Japanese. (In proper Japanese you have to draw the bubbles too - it's a tough language!)

Pronounciation of Ramune.

So.... You want to be a ramune snob and correct everyone on their mispronunciation? No problem.

Question: Is it rah-moon? Or is it Rah-moo-ney?
Answer: Rah-moo-ney. You have passed the test. (You will not get karate chopped in Japan now)

How did it become like this?

In the mid 1850s some boats came from the US and they had a party in Japan. OK. Not exactly.

They did bring over some soda though. It was an instant hit. Early flavors included some pretty interesting combinations. I imagine cabbage & onions. Then again, I have a pretty wild imagination.

Originally the name was Lemon Sui. No one bought it though. The original person who was going around Nagasaki selling it thought the name was a problem. He was right.

The name comes from the Japanese pronunciation of Lemonade.
They just shortened it from:

"Rah-moo-ney-do" ---> "Rah-moo-ney"

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